Roundtable Discussion

New Generation at Work: Successful Integration in the Healthcare Professions

Thursday 10th november de 2:45 pm to 4:15 pm (EST)

Various preparation and integration initiatives have been put forth to help new healthcare and social service professionals feel capable to serve the public in French. These include simulated clinics for developing language skills with patients, which allow students to practice their medical terminology in French. First undertaken as a pilot project in Saskatchewan, this opportunity is now offered elsewhere in Canada through the Franco-santé initiative.
For interns in different professions in healthcare and social services, the Welcoming and Professional Integration Service (SAIP) of the Réseau santé en français au Nunavut (Résefan) offers a chance to have an educational and human experience that is out of the ordinary.
Come learn about the Welcoming Francophone Communities initiative, in which community collaborations are used to welcome and retain bilingual human resources.

With participation from:

  • Étienne Lemyre, Analyst, Statistics Canada
  • Frédérique Baudemont, Executive Director, Réseau Santé en français de la Saskatchewan (RSFS)
  • Marie-France Talbot, Project Coordinator, Réseau Santé en français au Nunavut (Résefan)

Étienne Lemyre
Analyst, Statistics Canada

After studying geography at McGill University and sociology at the University of Helsinki, Mr. Lemyre worked for a short time in the college sector in Quebec. He joined the Languages Statistics Program at Statistics Canada in 2019. Since that time, he has worked on various analyses regarding official languages in minority communities and on disseminating language data from the 2021 census.

Frédérique Baudemont
Executive Director, Réseau Santé en français de la Saskatchewan (RSFS)

Frédérique Baudemont has been executive director of Réseau Santé en français de la Saskatchewan (RSFS) since 2017. She has been involved in Fransaskois organizations for over thirty years. In that time, she has worked both as a professional and as a volunteer in the arts sector (theatre) and parenting education and support. After a few years spent with the Department of Canadian Heritage, she elected to continue her involvement within the RSFS and, together with the network’s team, to help improve access to French-language health services by mobilizing and supporting health partners in Saskatchewan.
Marie-France Talbot

Marie-France Talbot
Project Coordinator, Réseau Santé en français au Nunavut (Résefan)

Marie-France has lived in Iqaluit since 2013. She is a chiropractor by training and has a strong interest in family wellness. She also serves her community as a doula and volunteers for La Leche League Canada (a breastfeeding support organization). In her spare time, Ms. Talbot cooks for her family and does some knitting. Since 2019, Ms. Talbot has worked as a project coordinator for Résefan, a role to which she brings her community knowledge and enthusiasm for all things health. She is the project officer for Healthy Early Years (HEY) and the Welcoming and Professional Integration Service (SAIP), which welcomes healthcare interns. She also lends a hand with Résefan’s other activities and projects.